HARARE – Prince Edward and Churchill, two Zimbabwean government boys’ schools and great rivals on the rugby field, clash on Saturday at PE in traditional clash that pumps up nearly members of both camps, past and present.

South Africa World Cup-winner Tendai “Beast” Mtawarira, an alumna of Churchill, commented on the Facebook post of a local sports marketing firm, in emoji: “Let’s go Bulldogs, and conquer!”

Bulldogs is the nickname of 1950-established Churchill, after the former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, who went by that moniker and gave both his name and nickname to the sporty Zimbabwean school.

Whilst Mtawarira went to Churchill, another Zimbabwean-born ex-Springbok of more recent times, Tonderai Chavhanga, attended Prince Edward.

Mtawarira, however, completed his schooling on a bursary at the prestigious private school, Peterhouse College, which gave him the platform to take his rugby to dizzy heights.

“It’s massive,” Churchill coach Jeff Madhake told SportsCast ahead of Saturday’s tie.

“I just want the Bulldogs to give a good account of themselves on the day, playing away from home against a great team like the Tigers on Jubilee (Field).”


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