BULAWAYO – Dumisani Mankunzini, the controversial former fringe cricketer, has been thrown out of Zanu-PF’s primary elections that took place on Saturday ahead of national polls expected in August.

Mankunzini, who spent over three months in incarceration over fraud charges at the end of 2022 and into the new year, was vying for a Member of Parliament position in Bulawayo’s Nkulumane constituency.

But on party elections held this Saturday, his name didn’t appear after it was apparently ruled that he didn’t meet Zanu-PF’s internal criteria.

Zeria Ngozo and Freedoms Murechi contested.

Mankunzini is the nephew of former Zimbabwe Football Association (Zifa) vice-president Omega Sibanda, who is the Zanu-PF MP for Vungu in Midlands.


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